Write a Technical Report

  • Bid1
  • Budget $30.00
  • Average Bid $25.00

Posted on September 1, 2016

Completed - 4 years left

Project Desciption

The project will consist of writing a Software test plan development, implementation and documenting the use of effective exception handling.

The project will be rewarded to a person who displays a very good command of English, both in writing and grammar. It will be also rewarded to a person with a vast background of software testing and writing. 

Attached you will find a document which contains an overview of what the program does.

Employer Information

2 project(s) posted hire 2 freelancers
Member since: September 1, 2016

Duc Nguyen

Full-stack developer


6 year(s) experience

3 project(s) worked


in 2 days

I will do my best.

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